of Frumatic DMS to empower your business by making informed decisions.
All tables, charts and calculators on this page is interactive. Fiddle with them and see for yourself.
Frumatic DMS has embedded price prediction tools that don’t rely on 3rd party APIs. We capture, process and interpret our own data. Below you can see for yourself how accurately we can predict the listing price for a Mercedes-Benz E 220 in Finnish market. Go to a Finnish Listing Platform, pick a E220 from the years you see below, enter year, mile and spec details into the form and test for yourself.
This is what we can do with a couple of data points without knowing exact trim of the car, accident, inspection, or ownership history.
All cars depreciate in value. No surprises there. You also know that luxury cars depreciate faster. But did you know a two year old Mercedes-Benz S Class loses 30% of its original value between 2nd and 3rd year. This means you might loose more than 200€ per each day you hold a 2 year old S Class in your inventory!
Frumatic DMS can detect cars listed under market value so you can proactively engage with the sellers and make more profit. You can interact with the demo table below to see some real word examples
URL and Private Seller names are hidden on the example list above for privacy purposes. Price prediction is based on publicly available data and doesn’t account for vehicle history.
Frumatic provides game-changer competition data and insights along with a birds-eye-view of the playing field.
Below you see a snapshot of Finnish second hand automotive market in February 2022. A sneak peak into our analytics capabilities… Our DMS provides a lot more!
This report might be a bit slow. It’s fetching and processing 72.000 car listings.
ODTU TeknokentMustafa Kemal Mah. Eskişehir Yolu, 06520, Ankara, Turkey Bilkent Cyberpark Development Center Bilkent, Cyberplaza, Ankara, 06800, Turkey